News – COMPETITION amplifier

The COMPETITON amplifiers are based on Class D technology and offer enormous output power for any kind of open-show or SPL application.
The absolute top model of the amplifier family is also one of the most powerful power amps in the world – with an incredible power of 35.000 Watts RMS!

Actually available models: GZCA 1.5SPL, GZCA 3.0SPL, GZCA 5.0SPL, GZCA 8.0SPL and GZCA 12.0SPL.
Offered in 1 Ohm (M1) or 2 Ohm (M2) stable version (GZCA 12.0SPL only as M1 version)

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The previous horn tweeter GZCT 3500X has been completely revised . Not only the finish and the color of the surface
have been adapted to the new design of the COMPETITION tweeters, the shape of the baffle had nee optimized, too.
The GZCT 2100X-B is available now, packed one piece each. Technical specs can be found in the manual, which is available for download at the GZ web page.

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